What CGI Company Does: Guiding Clients to Future Growth

What CGI Company Does Guiding Clients to Future Growth

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With over 40 years of experience across hundreds of industries, CGI has become a global leader in IT and business consulting services. They partner with clients to accelerate their digital transformations and chart a course to future growth. CGI provides the strategy, technology solutions, and program delivery expertise to turn digital aspirations into business results.

Providing Strategic Consulting to Prepare for the Digital Future

Providing Strategic Consulting to Prepare for the Digital Future

The first critical step in any digital transformation journey is assessing the current state and charting the roadmap ahead. CGI’s consultants immerse themselves in clients’ industries, business models, challenges and goals to provide data-driven strategic guidance.

CGI helps clients evaluate their operations, technology environments, competitive forces, and customer needs. Through advisory sessions, they shed light on areas primed for digitization and automation. CGI’s outside-in perspective provides unique insights into emerging trends and disruptions clients should prepare for. 

With a deep bench of experts across sectors, CGI becomes a trusted advisor to leadership teams. They help clients develop organizational change management plans to evolve culture and workforce capabilities. CGI facilitates strategy sessions and planning workshops to define a multi-year digital transformation roadmap aligned with business objectives.

Designing and Implementing Industry-Focused Digital Solutions

Designing and Implementing Industry-Focused Digital Solutions

Every company and industry has unique needs and opportunities when it comes to digital adoption. CGI tailors its solutions to the distinct challenges facing clients across financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, oil and gas, retail, government and more.

With expertise in implementing digital projects across sectors globally, CGI can adapt proven platforms, use cases and IP to individual client requirements. CGI focuses on developing innovative technology solutions to increase efficiency, engagement, insights and competitive advantage in each industry.

For example, in manufacturing CGI helped a leading automotive company set up smart factories. They implemented connected sensors, industrial IoT, automation and analytics to optimize production. In retail, CGI developed a mobile app for a national pharmacy chain that offered personalized promotions and seamless omnichannel experiences. 

End-to-End Digital Transformation Services

Many consulting firms focus narrowly on strategy without execution. Others offer technologies but lack accompanying business change services required to drive adoption and benefits. 

What sets CGI apart is its end-to-end lifecycle capabilities spanning consulting, design, implementation and management. CGI companies immerse themselves in the client’s business to provide strategic direction and a solutions roadmap. 

Their technology experts architect the platforms, integrations, data flows and applications needed to enable the strategy. CGI’s global delivery team builds, tests and deploys the digital solutions, integrating them with the client’s existing landscape. And they continue to enhance functionality and adoption over time through managed services.

Delivering Next-Generation Technology Capabilities

Delivering Next-Generation Technology Capabilities

Digital transformation relies on effectively leveraging cloud, analytics, AI, automation, IoT and other emerging technologies. CGI maintains cutting-edge expertise across these areas to drive innovation for clients.

Their technology consultants assess clients’ legacy environments and processes to identify modernization opportunities. CGI’s solution architects design cloud-native platforms, apps and data flows optimized for scale and resiliency. 

Their data scientists apply advanced analytics and machine learning to derive insights from client data. CGI implements IoT, automation and immersive technologies to transform products, services and workflows. The focus is on accelerating outcomes through next-generation technologies.

Driving Measurable Business Value Through Digital

For CGI, it’s not just about technology for its own sake. It’s about applying the right technology strategically to enable tangible business improvements. Their consultants spend time analyzing and understanding clients’ operations, pain points, challenges and objectives.

With this business intimacy, CGI maps out how targeted digital solutions can optimize processes, reduce costs, strengthen customer loyalty, mitigate risks, spawn innovation and drive competitive advantage. The goal is to align business and IT strategies that improve profitability, efficiency, quality and other KPIs.

Global Delivery Model Provides Flexibility and Scale

Global Delivery Model Provides Flexibility and Scale

With over 77,000 professionals across hundreds of locations worldwide, CGI has the reach to meet diverse client needs. Their global delivery model allows the flexibility to right-size teams and tap the right expertise across engagements.

Onshore consultants offer local presence and an understanding of regional dynamics. Nearshore centres provide geographic and time zone proximity. Offshore global delivery centres allow highly qualified resources to work on development, testing and support. CGI supplements clients’ teams with hybrid models tailored to project needs. 

Building Trusting Relationships Through Accountability

For over 40 years, CGI has focused on building trusting client relationships, not just winning projects. Their consultants invest time to deeply understand each client’s organization and objectives. 

With every engagement, CGI seeks to exceed expectations and solidify confidence through accountable delivery. They provide ongoing value after initial projects wrap up through managed services, support, solution optimization and additional initiatives.  

CGI’s passion is being long-term, trusted partners who can evolve as organizations and technologies change over time. Their focus is guiding clients from strategy through execution to help them realize their digital futures.

As a leading global IT and business consulting provider, CGI helps organizations accelerate digital transformation and business improvements through a combination of strategic guidance, technology expertise and reliable global delivery. By becoming deeply embedded partners, CGI enables clients to effectively prepare for disruption, adopt cutting-edge capabilities and maximize value.

Frequently Asked Questions

CGI provides strategic consulting services to help clients assess their current state, identify areas for improvement, and chart a course for their digital future. Their outside-in perspective provides valuable insights to leadership teams.

CGI tailors its digital solutions to different industries because each industry has unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to digital transformation. Their expertise allows tailored solutions.

CGI can deliver end-to-end digital transformation because they have capabilities across consulting, design, implementation, and ongoing management. This full lifecycle expertise is unique.

CGI leverages next-generation technologies like AI, automation, IoT, and analytics to drive innovation and accelerate outcomes for clients through digital modernization.

CGI focuses on business outcomes because technology for its own sake doesn’t drive improvements. Their solutions align with tangible goals like efficiency, quality and growth.

CGI’s global delivery model provides flexibility through onshore, nearshore, and offshore capabilities that allow right-sized teams and expertise for each client.

CGI focuses on long-term partnerships beyond individual projects to build trust and become embedded advisors that evolve along with the client over time.

CGI guides organizations to future growth through strategic consulting, tailored solutions, delivery excellence and a focus on driving measurable business value through digital transformation.
